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Bonnie Sanborn



Bonnie Sanborn

I never knew growing up that not everyone grew up playing in a family orchestra on Christmas or the appreciation from grandparents as you struggle to get a few right notes on a new instrument.  My grandmother (Ruth Parlin Sanborn) when visiting would insist on hearing us play whatever instrument we were learning, whooping and clapping like we were the most talented musician on the planet.    Grandpa would usually fall asleep but she always assured us it was because he was enjoying it so much.


Growing up as the shyest kid on the planet, I didn’t realize until later how much it was music and the family support that brought me out of my shell.  I will never forget the times at my grandmother’s house with two grand pianos and everyone playing an instrument that I couldn’t wait until I could learn to play one myself.    Music became so much a part of my life that I couldn’t imagine life without it and what it has done for my confidence and self-esteem.  Granted these days, I mostly sing to my pets but I think on occasion they appreciate it.


I will forever be grateful to be in such an extended family and that we could share times and laughs and yes, music, at such a wonderful place like Silver Bay.   As the years went by, the family members increased and many of us live farther and farther away from each other.   Still despite our own life journeys, travels, losses, illness, tragedy and new life and family situations, I think we all feel that Silver Bay will always be that magical place filled with cherished memories and good times.

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