family history volume 1
1870 - 1897
table of contents:
Part One: Up To Time Of Entering College
Wherein is shown that child life in Wisconsin in the '70's and '80's, although simple, was happy.
Preface to Succeeding Chapters - Is It Not Fun to be Two Years Old?
3) Fishing
4) Frogs Legs
6) Swimming
7) Skating
8) The Circus
10) Great, Great Aunt Gyrene and Her Cats
11) A Trip to Maine
13) Fourth of July
14) School
18) The Old Attic
Part Two: College and Normal School
Wherein it is shown that college students in the early '90's , not being surfeited with intercollegiate sports and paid entertainers, found moans for amusing themselves.
19) Latin and Greek
20) Athletics
21) Debating in University of Wisconsin
22) Grandfather's Part in Debate Activities
23) A New President
24) A New Graduate School of Economics
25) The Presidential Election of 1892
26) Betting Pies
28) Class of 1893
29) Hazing
31) The Clan-na-Gael
32) Cost and Living Conditions at University of Wisconsin in Early 90's
Part Three: Early Days of Teaching (1893-1897)
Wherein it is shown that teaching is an occupation at which one can have quite a bit of fun and that youth is a handicap which, in the course of time, can be overcome.
36) The First School
37) An Odd Tale About a Fellow Boarder
38) The First Term of Teaching
40) World's Fair at Chicago 1893
41) A Job That Seemed Impossible
42) A Queer Wedding
44) A Sermon Starts a Large Rumpus