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family history volume 3

1932 - 1978


table of contents:

Dedication & Forward


Charles C. Parlin, Sr.

1)  We Buy #123 Hillside Avenue, Englewood

2)  Celanese Corporation—Tinsley Letter

3)  Anastasia

4)  T. T. Brumbaugh

5)  The 1933 Senate Banking Investigation—and the Beginning of a Friendship

6)  A Moscow People's Court

7)  Chicken Farming

8)  Contacts with European Royalty

9)  In War-Time Europe: 1939—Paris

10)  In War-Time Europe: 1941—Behind the Iron Curtain

Letter from US Secretary of State Cordell Hull

11)  In War-Time Europe: We Enter the War


Kaye Parlin

12)  Keeping the Pots Boiling


Charles C. Parlin, Jr.

13)  Affectionate Recollections by a Grandson of Charles Coolidge Parlin and Daisy Blackwood Parlin


Camilla Parlin Smith

14)  Getting Volume III Started

15)  Family Fun with Aunts, Uncles and Cousins

16)  Becoming World Travelers

17)  Traveling to Silver Bay

18)  Moral Values


Blackwood Boyd Parlin

19)  The First Television


George Steward Parlin, Sr.

20)  What Happened to George After 1932?

21)  George's Military Service:

How I Got into the Army

Unloading at Barri

Aftermath of the 4th of July

Santa Maria Caesarea | This Is the Army, Mr. Jones | Opera in Naples | Aversa | Espionage Cases

22)  Italy Becomes A Republic

Postscript by Charles C. Parlin, Sr

23)  Back Home


George S. Parlin, Jr.

24)  Visiting with Grandma and Grandpa


Ruth Parlin Sanborn

25)  Old Demon Alcohol

26)  Johnnie Begins School

27)  All . . . Is Divided in Three Parts

28)  And Then What Happened

29)  Holidays

30)  Silver Bay

31)  Four Generations of Volunteers

32)  A Family Trip to Europe


C. Howard Sanborn

33)  Fifty Years in Wall St.


Howard Parlin Sanborn

34)  Be Prepared


John Davis Sanborn

35)  A First Dental Intern in a VA Hospital


Donald Coolidge Sanborn

36)  A Visit to Washington, D.C.


Grace Parlin Davis

37)  Foreword by Charles C. Parlin, Sr

38)  Rolling Down to Rio with Zeke and Zadie


Nicholas Dick Davis

39)  A Summer at Silver Bay


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